Police arrest 14 anarchists for vandalism

City cops work with PET to track down overly-artistic left-wing extremists

The Copenhagen Police and PET, the Danish security and intelligence service, have collaborated to arrest 14 left wing extremists for committing or planning politically-motivated vandalism against the police and other public authorities.

According to Copenhagen Police, four of those arrested were charged with “systematic vandalism of an organised nature”. They were charged with vandalising or attempting to vandalise vehicles at a police academy on Artillerivej and a police station on Hermodsgade. They were also charged with scrawling graffiti on several buildings on Gormsgade and Ægirsgade, including the Nordea facade in Gormsgade where they spray-painted the phrase "Fuck capitalism".

PET said that some of the seven men and seven women detained, who ranged in ages between 16 and 48, were rounded up as a precautionary measure.

“PET’s view is that those arrested had plans of carrying out co-ordinated, politically motivated vandalism targeted at the police and other public authorities,” PET said in a statement.

The statement gives no indication of what other actions police believed the group had planned.

The 14 arrested were interviewed and released Wednesday morning.

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