Survey: Copenhagen Airport has the best security in the world

Copenhagen Airport is rated first place for security and is looking to improve on both security and service through a pair of new initiatives

Not only is Copenhagen Airport the largest in Scandinavia, it is the best in the world. Well, at least when it comes to airport security, according to a survey of over 12 million travellers.

The airport claimed the distinction of ‘World’s Best Airport Security Processing’, in a survey by aviation research organisation Skytrax, in which 12.1 million passengers were asked to rate 395 airports.

The airport also ranked fifth baggage delivery and was chosen the seventh best among European airports, beating its Scandinavian neighbours. On the list of world’s top airports, Copenhagen came in at number  17.

“The recognition is a huge feather in the hat for our employees, who during the past six to seven years have worked hard on giving passengers a good start on their journeys, as well as maintaining a high security level,” the CEO of Copenhagen Airport, Thomas Woldbye, said in a press statement.

The airport is looking to increase its service levels further. According to Airport World magazine, Copenhagen Airport has signed an agreement with SAS Ground Handling, Novia and Copenhagen Flight Services, to find ways to decrease the time that passengers have to wait for their luggage. The agreement will include a check of the airport's infrastructure and procedures in an effort to trim waiting times. The aim is to ensure that the baggage from arriving flights reach the baggage conveyor belts within 25 minutes, and that the final bag rolls off the belt no later than 35 minutes after the flight's arrival. 

“As part of our effort to strengthen our position as the key transport hub of northern Europe, it's also important that we supply better service on the arriving baggage side so that the service is faster and more uniform in quality,” the chief operating officer of Copenhagen Airport, Kristian Durhuus, told Airport World.

Copenhagen Airport is also upping its efforts against drug smugglers. Later this spring, a body scanner will be introduced at the airport to catch any illegal carry-on luggage in a passenger’s stomach. Last year, 22 people were caught at the airport attempting to smuggle drugs in their stomachs as opposed to only three in 2011. Officials said they did not want to reveal their methods for catching the smugglers. 

“Combating drugs is high up on the government’s agenda and [the tax authority] Skat has intensified its efforts against the illegal smuggling of drugs,” the tax minister, Holger K Nielsen (Socialistisk Folkeparti), told metroXpress newspaper. 

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