New pencil sprouts in shops

A sustainable invention sure to amuse and amaze is taking root at retail outlets

After months of development, the sustainable pencil ‘Sprout’ has finally been written into history.


The pencils all have seeds in the bottom, so once you are down to the last bit, instead of chucking it, you simply plant it, water it and care for it until it begins to sprout three to four weeks later and then you have fresh herbs for your meals.


As of today the sprouting idea can be purchased in more than 100 shops in Denmark and the entrepreneurs behind the idea are expecting sales to spread to more shops and the rest of Europe.


“The pencil is making its way onto the European market and we hope that we, this way, start a little export fairy tale as well as seeing the pencil become trendy and overrule the not so environment friendly alternative: the pen,” Jonathan Løw, one of the brains behind the invention and co-owner of Sprout-Europe, said in a press statement.


The entrepreneurs already have agreements in place to begin exports to 17 European countries.


So far Sprout comes in seven varieties: thyme, basil, mint, sage, cilantro, dill and rosemary. Løw and his partner Michael Stausholm plan to release pencils with chilli, tomato and jalapeño seeds


The organic pencil is made of graphite, sustainable wood, clay, peat and organic herb seeds. The pencils are produced in the US, both by hand and by machines.

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