Morning Briefing – Monday, July 8

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish press is reporting

Fuglsang closes in on top 10

Astana captain Jakob Fulgsang finished a close second in Sunday’s ninth Tour de France stage. Despite a lacklustre performance on the tour’s first mountain stage the previous day and the loss of key lieutenants, Fuglsang was in 17th place at the start of Sunday’s stage. With the strong ride yesterday, he is now 12 place overall, and within just 17 seconds of the top 10.

Facebook drug group closed

Facebook on Sunday closed a group that was used by 2,000 Danes to openly buy and sell drugs. Members of the group had to be approved by its administrators. Facebook’s move comes a month after one of the members reported the activity to Facebook. “I can’t understand why pictures of bare breasts get taken down right away, but open drug dealing is allowed to continue for so long,” the woman who reported the group said. – TV2 News

Fear of falling in love

Efforts by social welfare authorities to pursue benefit fraud have resulted in many unmarried people, particularly senior citizens and single parents, foregoing relationships. Many welfare benefits are paid at a higher rate if the individual is not married, and local officials actively investigate whether recipients’ relationships disqualify them for the higher rate. The Social Affairs Ministry said it was drawing up clear guidelines for what could be considered a relationship. – Jyllands-Posten

City using toxic soil on waterfront

Building industry representatives are complaining that the city has given its property development agency, By & Havn, permission to use polluted soil in construction of earthen noise barriers at the waterfront site Prøvestenen. The soil was dumped on the site starting in the 1990s and may contain mercury and lead. Privately owned companies would normally be required to remove suspected pollutants, at an estimated cost of up to 20 million kroner. – Politiken

Pension funds investing in agriculture

Pension fund AP Pension has announced plans to invest upwards of 600 million kroner in the agricultural sector in the coming years. AP pension, which manages 90 billion kroner in investments, expected its return on investment to amount to six percent annually over the next ten years. Other pension funds said they were ready to follow suit. – Berlingske Business

TDC prepping market for sale

In a move analysts say is the prelude to a possible sell-off, TDC, the nation’s largest telecom, has invited foreign-based partners to enter into a “closer partnerships”. Carsten Dilling, TDC’s managing director, said consolidating the Nordic telecoms market would make the region and its firms more attractive to potential buyers. – Børsen

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