Morning Briefing – Friday, August 30

The Copenhagen Post’s daily round-up of the front pages and other major Danish news stories

Foreign fighters go unpunished
Few of those Danes who have travelled to Syria to fight in that country’s civil war face legal action when they return home, according to sources within the Muslim community. One of the reasons, said Jørn Vestergaard, a professor of law at the University of Copenhagen, may be a lack of evidence that they have committed any crime. It is estimated that between one and ten percent of all foreign fighters later take part in terrorist attacks in their home countries, and that the terrorist acts they commit tend to be more effective than those committed by individuals who do not have combat experience. Domestic intelligence agency PET has described returned foreign fighters as one of country’s biggest security concerns but had no comment to the claim. – Politiken

READ MORE: Islamists point their guns at Danish critics

Bank bosses told to speak nicely
Bank managing directors gathering for their annual meeting next week will be told not to speak negatively about the finance industry. A memo will reportedly be distributed at the closed-door annual general meeting of Finansrådet, the bankers’ association, that will tell bank bosses to think carefully over the potential consequences of comments they make in public. The revelation comes after Finansrådet earlier this month issued a memo urging bankers not to speak publicly about differences of opinion within the industry. The memo was issued after the country’s two largest banks, Danske Bank and Nordea, openly aired differing points of view about negotiations between banks and the government. – Berlingske Business

Gov’t admits breaking tax promise – cut them instead of raising them
Despite being elected on a platform of improved social welfare through tax increases to the tune of five billion kroner, the government has in fact lowered taxes, a Finance Ministry report delivered to parliament in June shows. Since coming to power in 2011, legislation passed under the current government has led to 2.5 billion kroner in reduced state income, either due directly to reduced taxes or to changed behaviour as a result of new laws. The left-leaning Enhedslisten, whose votes keep the minority coalition government in power, was disappointed that the government had not kept good on its promise. A spokesperson for the prime minister’s Socialdemokraterne party admitted that the government had broken its promise but defended the tax cuts, saying they promoted growth, which would lead to increased revenue as employment rose. – Information 

READ MORE: Think-tank: incapable government a ‘myth’

Education level dictates disability compensation amount
The Supreme Court has ruled that it is acceptable for an insurance company to use a person's educational level when determining the level of disability compensation paid after a crippling accident. The case arose after a 19-year-old vocational school student paralysed in a car accident was awarded less compensation than he would have been if he had attended a more academically-oriented upper-secondary school. The insurance company awarded the man 2.4 million kroner in compensation. Upper-secondary school students in similar situations are normally awarded 3.7 million kroner. The insurance company argued that the lower amount should be paid because the man's choice of school determined how much he would earn during his career. – Jyllands-Posten

Political allies clash over Aarhus airport
A proposal by Aarhus mayor Jacob Bundsgaard (Socialdemokraterne) to share that city’s airport code with Billund Airport is not sitting well with members of his own party. The move would make it easier to travel to Aarhus by allowing flight ticket search engines to consider flights ending in the more heavily travelled Billund Airport, some 100 kilometres away, as flights to Aarhus. But Ango Winther (Socialdemokraterne), who is the airport’s chairman, argued that doing so would rob Tistrup Airport of its identity as the city’s airport. Other city officials and business leaders were split on the issue. – JP Aarhus

READ MORE: Aarhus cultural institutions go international

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