Caravan housing in Copenhagen looks unlikely

In Aarhus, caravans are being used to help alleviate the student housing shortage, but the same solution doesn’t appear to be on the cards in Copenhagen

Copenhagen’s housing market is under severe pressure due to a record high of students accepted to university this year.

In Aarhus, city officials have dealt with the rising demand for student housing by renting out caravans for 130 kroner a night to homeless students who have already started their studies.

However, it seems unlikely that the City Council will introduce that kind of temporary housing for Copenhagen's homeless students, according to the city's urban planning department, Center for Byudvikling.

READ MORE: Aarhus students housed in caravans

Temporary solution
The head of Center for Byudvikling, Ingvar Sejr Hansen, said that introducing housing caravans would merely be a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

“We are often being introduced to various temporary solutions, but we haven’t found them to be beneficial for our situation,” Hansen said.

“Aarhus placed the caravans on council-owned property," Hansen said. "But we do not have the same access to areas where such a housing project would be possible.”

Focus on permanent housing
According to Hansen, the City Council has been making progress in establishing new, permanent housing for students. They have created 200 new housing options for students and at least another 800 are on the way.

“Students moving to Copenhagen are not a temporary problem. That is why we think it would be better to focus on permanent solutions by establishing private apartments for students,” Hansen said, adding that no political decision has yet been made.

The city's finance committee, Økonomiudvalget, is taking up the subject of student housing at a meeting on Tuesday.

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