Transport minister ready to build more motorways

The new minister of transport also promises privatisation of railway stretches

The new transport minister, Magnus Heunicke (S), intends to build more motorways and to put various stretches of railroads out to tender. 

“Accessibility is an engine for growth that should not be ignored," Heunicke told Berlingske. "I know how important good roads are, which means that in my time as minister for transport there will without doubt be more motorways built.” 

Pressure on DSB
Unlike his predecessor, Heunicke is set on creating more competition on the nation's railways with the hope of securing better and cheaper trains. 

“I see [national railway provider] DSB as the cornerstone of public transport. The alternative is an ideological withering-policy where one cuts of the branches of DSB and in the end has to cut down the whole tree. That is the plan of Venstre. But it does not mean that DSB has to run at every railroad stretch. We need to put out stretches to tender where it makes sense,” he told Berlingske.

Opposition hunger for more freeways
Opposition parties Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti and Liberal Alliance all reacted positively to Heunicke's statements.

Venstre's spokesperson on traffic, Kristian Pihl Lorentzen, is especially excited about the prospects of more motorways.

“Heinicke's predecessor [SF's Pia Olsen Dyhr] was very focused on public transport and almost against asphalt. If you ask in the public and in the business sector. it is roads that people want,” he said to DR Nyheder.

Also Kim Christiansen, Dansk Folkeparti’s spokesperson on traffic, welcomed the statements from the new minister.

“It is brand new thoughts and a step in the right direction. We need decent roads, “ he said.