New discoveries by Danish scientists may lead to the introduction of medicine to tackle obesity and bring an end to obesity operations within ten years. Scientists are in the middle of examining two types of intestine hormones, PYY og GLP-1, which more quickly provide the feeling of being full.
The two intestine hormones have been detected in patients after obesity operations, and by using new laser technology on the human brain, the scientists are trying to understand how the intestine hormones affect the appetite.
The research project is a co-operation between Copenhagen University Hospital and Novo Nordisk.
Obesity operation not permanent solution
Every year around 1,300 Danes go through an obesity operation, and the statistics show that there are seldom any complications involved, even though they always pose a risk.
Despite the operations showing good results, they are often not a life-long solution. The scientists believe that medicine could do a more permanent job.
“Obesity operations are very effective as people quickly gain control of their obesity and diabetes and maintain their weight for many years,” Kirsten Raun, a senior scientist from Novo Nordisk, told newspaper Politiken.
“But it also seems that after five to ten years the effect of the operation starts declining. If we are successful at imitating the positive changes that occur after an operation, it will mean that the medicine can offer a life-long effect,” she said.
Critics claim that it will be difficult to convince people to take pills for many years since they often have unpleasant side effects such as nausea.