Government running scare campaign against DF

Socialdemokraterne (S) claims that the proposals presented by opposition party Dansk Folkeparti (DF) in the last six months would be extremely costly for Denmark, Jyllands-Posten reports.

The costs of realising initiatives such as cheaper ferry tickets, tougher prison sentences, early retirement allowance, two weekly walks for the elderly, lower media licence fees and improved sewage system would amount to at least 155 billion kroner, S claims.

Derails debate
DF's constant 'over-bidding' derails the debate, according to political group leader Henrik Dam Kristensen (S).

"When we discuss something, DF always says that something needs to be done. Now we see that the total bill is 155 billion kroner." he told Jyllands-Posten.

After S had finished the calculations last week, DF proposed that military expenses should be raised by 50 percent, amounting to a further 10 billion kroner a year.

S playing the desperation card?
But the criticism has no effect on DF political group leader, Peter Skaarup.

"I must conclude that S has played the desperation card. Everything they do is desperate. It's far out to run a scare campaign so far ahead of an election," he told Politiken.

Recent polls in Politiken and TV2 News have found DF has replaced S as Denmark's second-largest party in terms of voters.

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