Negotiating the forest that is Eurovision

B&W Hallerne, Refshaleøen; May 6-10 

Tickets for the final on Saturday May 10 sold out a while back, but you can still find some available for the semis on May 6 and 8 at B&W Hallerne.

Failing that, there are dozens of other events as the various districts in the city, and further afield, come together to mark the occasion.

Why not catch all the glitz and glamour of Eurovision at several big-screen viewing locations, including Huset-KBH at Rådhusstræde 13, which since April 28 has been known as the Euro Fan Café. It’s an oasis for all things Eurovision, hosting parties, screenings, quizzes, talks and even a treasure hunt. 

Gammeltorv and Nytorv squares will also be turned into mini Eurovision villages, with open-air performances from past Eurovision contestants and big screens on May 10. There will also be a big screen at Solbjergs Plads near Frederiksberg Metro.

Two events you can’t miss are the Eurovision Cool Pool Party (Wed May 7, Islands Brygge Harbour Bath) and the AIDS Foundation’s attempt to break the world’s longest kissing chain on Thursday May 8. The kiss will span all the way down the Eurovision Fan Mile, stretching down Strøget from City Hall, so catch your chance to be part of history. 

But if you can’t make it to these events in person, you can always watch the Eurovision stream live at With contestants from 37 countries, the contest is the pitch-perfect way to find out which country really has the voice of Europe.