Top 10 most popular names for girls and boys

Most common names are William for boys and Sofia for girls

If you're planning on raising a child in Denmark and want to know what’s hot and what's not in the baby name business, here's an overview of the most popular names.

For the second year in a row, the Anglo-friendly names Sofia and William top the list among the Danish newborns.

Out of 1,000 newborn girls, 19 were named Sofia, and out of 1,000 boys, 22 were named William, according to statistics provider Danmarks Statistik.

Vigga moving in
The girl's name Vigga is a newcomer that is quickly becoming more popular. In 2012, it wasn't even in the top 50, but last year it came in at number 28.

Here are the lists of the top ten most popular baby names for both girls and boys. If you want to see the entire top 50 list, click here.

Girls top 10

1. Sofia

2. Ida

3. Isabella

4. Emma

5. Freja

6. Clara

7. Sofie

8. Anna

9. Josefine

10. Laura


Boys top 10

1. William

2. Lucas

3. Noah

4. Victor

5. Emil

6. Frederik

7. Oliver

8. Oscar

9. Magnus

10. Alexander

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