Headlining the Golden Days festival this year is Gullasch Varieté, a dark comedy about life in Denmark during World War One.
Despite Denmark's neutrality the war sent shockwaves of change throughout the country, which the play reflects through its exploration of issues such as women's rights, taboo love and class.
The performance itself promises to be a change from traditional theatre as it is an immersive experience including aerial acrobatics, cabaret and communal singing in an attempt to capture the wartime spirit.
Goulash tasting is just one of the unique experiences on offer, and the goulash is hopefully better than the tins delivered to the front, which were infamously dubious.
As well as a spectacle, the production explores human emotions such as greed, power and lust – all coming to the surface in an apartment in Frederiksberg.
The cast includes a wide range of artists – from Burlesque performer Christian van Schijndel to circus performer Michiel Tange Van Leeuwen – so even if the goulash is questionable, there will certainly be variety.
Event Information:
Show times: Saturday September 13 at 20:00 & 23:00
Tickets: 150kr – purchased from: goldendaysfestival.dk
Address: LaGayola (mirrortent), Frederiksberg Runddel, Frederiksberg
The production is suitable for both English and Danish speakers.