Restaurant Spisehuset Rub and Stub fighting for its life

After sponsor pulls support, restaurant based on using post-dated food rolls up its sleeves and soldiers on

Spisehuset Rub & Stub has always had its heart in the right place.

Basing its daily menus on donated food that would otherwise have been tossed out by supermarkets and distributors, and then donating its profits to charity, definitely puts it on the side of the angels.

Unfortunately, angels don’t pay the bills.

Now that the non-profit group RETRO has dropped its sponsorship of the unique eatery as of 1 January next year, Rub and Stub is forced to find a new way forward.

"Over 100 volunteers help serve the donated food and keep the rustic premises sparkling, but due to the new circumstances, further investment in the project and securing their location at Huset in Copenhagen must be accounted for by good old-fashioned cash."

“We need to find a new way to keep this going,” said Rub and Stub co-founder Sophie Sales. “We have an amazing location, beautiful rooms, the coolest volunteers in town. We serve food and we inspire people to cook cleverly to save food and money by being creative. Somebody has got to be interested in that!"

No free lunch
The restaurant is taking matters into its own hands and throwing a party in conjunction with Huset on Saturday featuring food, music and much more to help raise the funding needed to start on the road to self-dependence.

The ‘Help Us Not Get Wasted’ party kicks off this Saturday at 18:00 and all profits will be used to keep Rub and Stub’s doors open.

“We need at least 250,000 kroner before January,” said Sales.

Since opening last year, the restaurant has battled misconceptions and scepticism about the viability of the concept to become so successful that it is often fully booked.

“Awareness of food waste has grown and I know that many people believe in the concept, so I hope that they will support us,” said Sales.

Staff remains optimistic
Chef Irina Bothmann has been at Rub and Stub form the start and believes firmly in the concept.

“We have a sustainable business model that has simply not yet realised its full potential,” she said. “That is what we are shooting for in 2015.”

She said the restaurant will be looking for new partners with enthusiasm for the concept and that everyone is optimistic.

“The support and energy of our volunteers is amazing and inspiring,” she said. “We have a full house every night, so it is hard to imagine that we will not be back after a much needed Christmas break.”

READ MORE: Restaurant challenges supermarkets to quit tossing food

She went on to state emphatically: “I have not even considered looking for a new job.”