Seeing off the gloom at Diwali, the festival of lights

Indians in Denmark celebrate in style

In the darkness of the approaching Danish winter, the diaspora group Indians in Denmark gathered in Vanløse to celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights.

Above, Kannathasan Pandian, the president and founder of Indians in Denmark, and his wife introduce their daughter to the perks of being a kid at a party like this

Diwali traditionally takes place on the night of a new moon when the sky is at its darkest, celebrating the triumph of good and light over evil and darkness. We’re guessing these three were on the winning side

Indians in Denmark makes sure the kids have a great time.

Pandian says it is important to bring “an element of ‘fun for all’, with games for the whole family”.

Those gathered were treated to all manner of dancing performances: from the cheeky …

to the chic ..

to the courageous

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