Two boys charged in connection with mink farm activism

The mink farm in Kærgårdsvej west of Ølgod was among the attacked

It is not clear whether a reward of 40,000 kroner, which was offered to anyone who could provide information leading to the arrest of animal rights' activists targeting mink farms in the area of Ølgod near Esbjerg in southern Jutland, has been paid despite two arrests by local police. 

Last summer, several farms were vandalised and thousands of minks escaped into nature. The activists daubed the farms' walls with slogans like "Stop suffering" and "Fur is not for people".

And then on New Year's Eve, activists returned to one of the farms, in Kærgårdsvej west of Ølgod, releasing a further 400 minks. According to interest groups, the minks would struggle to survive in the wild and face probable death.

Two arrests so far
At a preliminary hearing earlier this week, 16-year-old boy was sentenced to four weeks in prison for his part in the activism. Meanwhile, a 15-year-old, currently out on bail, also faces charges, but remains out on bail.

As of Wednesday afternoon, it was not clear whether the reward had been paid in relation with the two arrests.

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