DONG Energy has fired six employees after an internal audit found they abused company credit cards and received illegal kickbacks from suppliers.
“The cases includes breaches of confidentiality, conflicts of interest and questionable supplier agreements,” stated DONG’s 2014 annual report.
Whistleblowing worked
The revelations came via internal investigations carried out according to DONG’s recently introduced whistleblower policy.
DONG head Henrik Poulsen said that some of the infractions violated the law and that was the reason for the dismissals.
“To some extent, there were also breaches of the law,” Poulsen told Jyllands-Posten. “It is always unsatisfactory when this kind of stuff shows up. On the other hand, I am pleased that the system worked.”
READ MORE: DONG in deep debt, annual report shows
Poulsen said that the company was working to weed out other fraud cases.
“I cannot say with certainly that we can completely avoid them,” she said. “Companies of our size unfortunately tend to have a number of cases of this kind every year.”