Mis-treatment in a nursing home – this time by the residents

Carers fending off sexual advances from the elderly on one side and attacks from their relatives on the other

Arbejdstilsynet, the Danish working environment authority, has reported the Kristiansgården Nursing Home in the town of Beder to Aarhus Municipality amid claims that residents are sexually harassing carers and their relatives are making threats to the employees.

According to Arbejdstilsynet, one of the elderly residents told the personnel he was going to strip and promptly did, while some of the other male residents have been asking the staff for a thorough wash of their intimate body parts.

Additionally, there have been conflicts between the employees and relatives of the residents. 

On sick leave for emotional stress
The municipality has ordered the nursing home to correct the situation and ensure that employees' health is not affected by the emotional demands of their work.  

Two years ago, one of the carers went on sick leave due to issues of a similar kind. 

"It's safe," says municipality
However, Aarhus Municipality manager Majbritt Veise Blohm told Jyllands-Posten that the problems were not too serious.

"We take the two injunctions from Arbejdstilsynet seriously, of course," she said. 

"But having said that, I know the nursing home is completely safe for both the staff and the residents."

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