Half of voters want to tighten non-Western immigration

Terror attacks appear to have made Danes more critical of certain immigrants

A survey carried out just a week after the Copenhagen terror attacks shows an increase in the number of Danes critical of immigration from non-Western countries, the web newspaper Altinget reports.

The survey asked voters what they thought of immigration from non-Western countries – defined for the purpose of the survey as those from outside of Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – and 50 percent answered that it should be tightened.

Some 28 percent of respondents want to retain the current rules regarding non-Western immigration, while only nine percent think the rules should be eased. The remainder were undecided.

Parallel society
Altinget highlights how a ‘parallel society’ dogged by gang crime and religious extremism is making Danes more critical of immigration from certain countries.

The survey was carried out by Norstat for Altinget and questioned 1,004 people.