Is love all we need? Sylvia Wetzel, the famous German feminist author will talk about: ‘Love, Attachment & Anger’ at the Center for Wisdom & Compassion. The entrance is free, but donations are welcomed warmly (April 30, 19:00-21:00; Nybrogade 26A, Cph K)
Crossing Borders! The Studenterhuset is hosting another debate organised by Think Rights regarding another sensitive issue that greatly concerns society: ‘the New Perspectives of the Roma Population in Denmark’ (April 27, 18:30; Købmagergade 52, Cph K; sign up:
Honour the Pachamama with some dancing from your heart. Experience a little of Mexican’s culture this Saturday by eating tacos, drinking tequila and listening to Alfuturu, a cumbia-funk Mexican band. (April 25, 20:00; La Casa Latinoamericana, Valby, Cph; free adm)
Enjoy Mardi Gras as if you were on the streets of New Orleans. Bring all your friends and prepare for an evening of beers, beads and masks. Happy Hour from 8-9pm (April 30, 17:00; Café Nexus; Solberg Plads 3, Frederiskberg)
Do you like to sing? Whether you are a kid aged 8-14 or an adult you are welcome to join as both the Copenhagen Children’s Choir and the Adult Suoni Chorus are seeking new members. (for more information, email
Don’t throw away your broken stuff anymore! Join the team at Repair Cafe and have a good time resolving how to fix it. You just need to bring your own materials (April 25, 14:00-17:00; Saxogade 77, Cph V; sign up in Facebook)