Shocking number of Danes raped abroad last year

Travel insurance companies report 47 cases of victims asking for help while travelling

Over 50 Danes were forced to have sex during a trip overseas last year.

Travel insurance companies reported that 47 people got in touch to get medical attention following a rape and help to return home.

“The attacks typically occurred in Greece, Spain, Thailand and Turkey, and there is a simple explanation, as these are the most popular destinations,” Krista Bauer, the communications head at the emergency centre SOS International, told Metroxpress.

READ MORE: Danish woman gang raped in India

Last year a 52-year-old Danish tour guide was gang-raped by eight men in India when she asked for directions. Another well publicised case involved a 23-year-old Danish girl, who was raped by a motorcycle driver in Pattaya, Thailand.

Solid advice
The Foreign Ministry has started to warn about the risk of sexual violence in its travel guides.

Advice includes specific warnings that women keep a close eye on drinks while out on the town and to not go out alone at night in Brazil, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, India and South Africa.

They also warn about the risk of rape at what are called Full Moon parties on beaches in Thailand.

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