Oct 1-3; Femøren, Amager Strandpark, Cph; open Thu-Fri16:00-23:00, Sat 14:00-23:00; free adm, table reservations via;
If flying all the way to Munich is something you are not able to do this year, don’t worry!
Dust off your lederhosen and dirndls or, even better, invest in a Bavarian serving wench’s costume and head out to Copenhagen’s Oktoberfest to enjoy the authentic atmosphere while listening to a live music band from southern Germany, enjoying freshly-made German food and, most importantly, having a 1 litre iced-cold beer in your hands.
Entry is free but there are a number of different deals that might make your visit to the Oktoberfest more convenient. Get one of the special packages (299-339 kroner) that tend to include seat reservations, crisps, 2 beers or 1 bottle of white /red wine. Last but not least you will get the traditional ‘Schnitzel plate’ and a ‘Surprise Dessert’ that has been adapted to the Oktoberfest’s theme. You can also choose to book VIP options (449-479 kr) that include extra service, bigger amounts of food and a glass of Austrian champagne.
It’s important to know that demand for reservations is expected to be quite high, so book your seat as fast as you can!
It is very easy to find your way to Oktoberfest. All you have to do is to take the Metro towards the airport, get out at Femøren Station and walk towards the beach where you will almost certainly hear loud music and the word “Prosit” being shouted out with reckless abandon.
Film Festival:
Oct 2-11; various locations;

This volunteer-run, ten-day event for LGBT film buffs is the longest running film festival in Denmark.
Each year MIX CPH attract more than 10,000 people to attend their screenings and events.
The idea is to present films that bend genders and break sexual boundaries, stir up gender politics and reflect diversity.
Most of the movies are shown in the original language with English subtitles meaning that everyone can understand and follow what is going on.
Besides the movies in the dark, MIX CPH invites you to enjoy different lounges, filmmaking workshops and cultural nights.
Tolkien’s Universe: My Precious
ongoing, ends Oct 18, 12:00-16:00; Tøjhusmuseet, Tøjhusgade 3, Cph K; free adm;

Visit Tøjhusmuseet, the Royal Danish Arsenal Museum, to find out more about the JRR Tolkien universe that inspired Peter’s Jackson’s adaptions of the Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit. This is once-in-a-lifetime chance to view a private collection that has come all the way over from New Zealand.
Find out more about the lives of the knights of the era that inspired Tolkien, try writing with a feather or transform yourself into a character from Tolkien’s universe.
And it’s great for the kids! Don’t leave them in the dark (of Mordor), stir their imagination!
Designer Forum
Oct 2-4; Forum, Frederiksberg;

Featuring a wide range of top fashion brands, Designer Forum is one of the largest events of its kind and, thanks to the 80 percent discounts on last year’s must-have items, the best attended. VIP options enable you to beat the crowd.
Latin American Festival
Sep 28-Oct 3;

The Latin American House is pleased for the third year in a row to present a festival of Latin American culture. Highlights include a gala evening on October 2 and five days of literature (Njalsgade 128, Cph S). Come and enjoy the rythyms of a continent that has a serious beat.
Knejpe Festival
Oct 2-3; Allegade 2, Kulturværftet, Helsingør;

The seafaring traditions of Helsingør are reawakened with two lively days of rabble-rousing music and jolly sea shanties. Around 40 concerts in the intimate settings of the traditional seaside town pubs (knejpe) to get the landlubbers firmly in the mood. (PS)
Swap Market
Oct 4, 11:30-16:00; Ansgar Church, Mågevej 33, Cph NV;

The idea of the Swap Market is very simple: bring your clothes, furniture and other items that are still in a good condition and exchange them with other people! And attending Bartertown is free!
Hermitage Run
Oct 4, 11:00; Dyrehavn (near Klampermborg);

Runners between the ages of 4 and 96 have been participating in the world’s oldest and largest jogging event since 1969 every October. The distance is 13.3 km and offers an unforgettable route through Dyrehavn’s picturesque forest.
Big Quiz Nights
Thu Sep 24 & Oct 15 & 29, 19:30; The Globe, Nørregade 43, Cph K; 30kr, five per team

Mon Oct 5, 19:30; Kennedys, Gammel Kongevej 23, Cph V; 25kr, four per team
The Globe has changed the time of its October 1 quiz. The winners get 1,000 kroner at the Globe, 800 at Kennedy’s.