Fair: Mind, Body and Soul Fair
Feb 5-7, 10:00-18:00; Falconer Center; Frederiksberg; 90kr; daninfo.dk
Need some inspiration for pulling yourself out of the winter doldrums and onto a higher spiritual plane? Your quest is over!
This fair has 220 stands and 125 workshops and events.
Close encounters of the spiritual kind are absolutely guaranteed, with everything you could possibly imagine to heal your mind, body and soul: tantric yoga, clairvoyance, astrology, mediums, crystals, healing, meditation, acupuncture, spiritual retreats, various kinds of massage, and other weird and wonderful experiences.
Comedy: Tommy Tiernan – Stand-up
Feb 4, 20:00; Bremen Theatre, Nyropgade, Cph V; 275kr; brementeater.dk

Irish comedian Tommy Tiernan is bringing his controversial brand of comedy to Copenhagen.
He has been around for 20 years, showing off his routines on shows like Letterman and The Michael McIntyre Comedy Roadshow.
He is currently on his ‘Out of the Whirlwind’ tour – around 45 shows before he heads off down under in April.
He doesn’t often get to Scandinavian shores so this is a rare chance to catch Tommy’s trademark sense of outrage, personal demons and total lack of political correctness live on stage.
Sport: 6-Day Race
Feb 4-9; Ballerup Super Arena; 170-210kr; 6dageslob.dk

The 6-day race has its roots in a London event from 1978 when a certain David Stanton had a bet he could cycle 1,000 miles in six days. He won the bet in 73 hours, the event went overseas, and the rest is history.
Back in the day, intrepid cyclists would circle the banks of Frederiksberg’s Forum arena for six days in a row. Now the highlight of the indoor track cycling year has pedalled its way to Ballerup.
Expect the raucous tones of oom-pah, slightly inebriated guests and, of course, deadly serious competition on the track.
Possibly a little too much tight-fitting lycra for some tastes, but this is engrained into Danish culture, so get on your bike!
LGBT: CPH Winter Pride Week
Feb 1-7; Studenterhusets Cafe, Købmagergade, Cph K

Winter Pride is based at Studenterhuset – plenty of events from quiz nights and clubbing to lectures and exhibitions. Saturday night is Party Night at steamy Store Vega where 175kr gets you a night of shows and dancing until the small hours.
AXGIL Gay Galla
Feb 3; Cirkusbygningen, Jernbanegade 8, Cph K; 295-650kr; axgil.dk

This annual event is the equivalent of the LGBT Oscars. Awards are handed out to deserving individuals and businesses in the community. Among the performers are Sanne Salmonsen and boyband Lighthouse X.
Festival: Copenhagen Fashion Festival
Feb 3-7; various locations; copenhagenfashionfestival.com

The twice-yearly festival of chic takes over Copenhagen for five days of the very best in fashion: films, talks, workshops and catwalk shows. Dedicated followers of fashion will be preening in front of the mirror, seeing the events and being seen around town.
Market: Record Collectors Fair
Feb 6, 11:00-16:00; Absalon, Sønder Boulevard 73, Cph V; allgoodcleanrecords.com/plademesser
Miss the days of searching for those elusive 45s to complete your collection with your hard-earned pocket money? Then spend a Sunday browsing offline at Absalon church for some turntable treats.