Seaplane route between Copenhagen and Aarhus flying high

Shorter flight times and more departures attracting customers

Nordic Seaplanes, a company that offers seaplane flights between Copenhagen and Aarhus, is increasing the number of its daily departures.

Aiming for the business market, the company is now offering five departures each way between 7am and 7pm.

Bending the time/space continuum
The  company is meanwhile concentrating on cutting both its flight and turnaround times.

“We listened to our customers and they asked for more and earlier flights during the day,” said Nordic Seaplanes managing director Lasse Rungholm.

“We have also cut 15 minutes off our turnaround times.”

Nordic Seaplanes has already brought the flight time between the ports of Denmark’s two largest cities down to 45 minutes, trimming 25 percent since May, when the flight time took 59 minutes.

Passengers pay about 1,500 kroner to hop on the DHC-6 Twin Otter at Langelinje in Copenhagen and step off at Østhavnen in Aarhus.