Coming up soon: Kenya, Zimbabwe and the Denmark of old

Zimbabwean storyteller Sista Zai and singer-songwriters Amai Kuda (Trinidadian) and Y Josephine (Venezuelan) will explore the theme of decolonisation through poetry and music (Sep 29, 19:00-23:00; World Culture Centre, Nørre Allé 7, Cph N; 60-80kr,

Find plenty of colourful handmade items from Kenya at this market. Products sold include clothes, blankets, jewellery and other accessories (Sep 25, 13:00-16:00; MellemRummet, Ravnsborggade 11, Cph N)

Don’t miss Historical Tours’ last guided walk of the month: explore the 1800s when HC Andersen was alive and Copenhagen was a cultural hotspot (Sep 24, 10:00-11:30; Højbro Plads, at Bishop Absalon statue; 90kr)

Need a laugh? Head over to Lygten Station for international comedians Keith Farnan and John Hastings’ performance! (Sep 28, 20:00-22:00; Lygten Station, Lygten 2, Cph NV; 95-120kr,

Notable Hungarian jazz singer Nikoletta Szöke will be performing classics like ‘Cry me a river’ with her trio (Sep 30, 21:30-22:30; Gentofte Hovedbibliotek, Ahlmanns Allé 6, Hellerup; free adm)

Hidden identities, deduction and a night of general treachery await at this gaming event (Oct 4, 19:00-22:00; Bastard Cafe, Rådhusstræde 13, Cph K; pay fee at bar, register at

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