Students will be out in force across the country today to voice their opinion on the government’s plans to cut the student grant SU in the near future.
Big demonstrations are taking place from 16:00-18:00 in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg in response to proposed cuts that would see the monthly grant reduced from 5,100 to 4,300 kroner. Students at many of the country’s schools are also planning to boycott their studies today.
“The cuts weren’t a good idea last year, and they remain a poor decision this year,” Uddannelsesalliancen, the student representative organisation organising the demonstrations, wrote on Facebook.
“If you also believe that the billion-kroner cuts to education is incredibly unambitious, then grab your friends, study pals and family members and head to the demonstration on October 13 in Copenhagen. We’ll see you at Rådshuspladsen.”
READ MORE: Danish SU twice as high as in other Nordic countries, but for how much longer?
7k in CPH alone
While the demonstration in Copenhagen will take place at City Hall Square, the other locations include Rådhusparken in Aarhus, Amfipladsen in Odense and På Sporet in Aalborg.
So far, about 7,000 people have signed up via Facebook to attend the demonstrations in Copenhagen, while thousands more have indicated they will be present in the other three cities.