Gale-force winds expected to hit Denmark later today

The autumn storm season is upon us once again

It’s not Hurricane Irma, but perhaps it would be a good idea to batten down the hatches today, as the first proper autumn storm this year is forecast to hit the west coast of Denmark around mid-morning.

DMI reports that gale-force winds are expected, as well gusts of wind of around 31 metres per second – just below hurricane force.

Wet, wet, wet
The meteorological services has also issued high water warnings, especially for the Wadden Sea area. Sea levels are expected to rise 2.5-3 metres above the norm on Wednesday evening.

The storm is expected to spread to Zealand around lunch time and the worst weather will hit Copenhagen at about 14:00, with around 3-5 mm of rain forecast.

During the night, the storm will pass into the Baltic and over Bornholm.