It’s extremely likely it will rain today in your area. And get pretty dark.
So it could be both ‘Hard Rain’, a mostly forgotten 1998 thriller starring Christian Slater, and ‘Black Rain’, an ‘equally erased from our collective minds’ 1989 movie with Michael Douglas.
Really, you’re better off staying in bed.
Randomly terrorising the country
Following a week-long heatwave of temperatures hovering between 27 and 30 degrees most days, the temperature is cooling in Denmark courtesy of long bouts of torrential rain that will randomly terrorise parts of the country.
Case in point, Norwegian forecaster cannot guarantee the exact time of a single drop in Copenhagen.
But potentially, there could be up to 15 mm in just one hour between 14:00 and 15:00 (see below). In total, 17 mm will fall on the capital, but it could very easily be much more.

Maybe wait at the office until 5
The risk of torrential rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, is highest between 13:00 until 15:00, so you’re advised to have an early lunch and stay late at work.
Otherwise your best bet for returning home, or heading out early to your favourite Friday bar, might be a canoe rather than a bicycle.
The threat of rain, albeit of the lighter variety – so neither hard nor black – will remain in place until 10:00 on Saturday morning.
Mild weekend ahead
The rest of the weekend will accordingly be milder than recent days with less sunshine.
However, the good weather is not over, as temperatures are expected to return to 25 degrees – the very definition of a summer’s day – on Tuesday.
By the end of August, at this rate, 2022 will go down as the second best summer of the last decade in Denmark.