Danish-Iranian artist poses nude in anti-Islam video

Firoozeh Bazrafkan strips to Quran passages in spite of the threats her art is causing

Nudity, blasphemy, Nazi hymns and shredded Qurans are all recurring elements in the works by artist and blogger Firoozeh Bazrafkan. These themes are also the reason why she has to live a life punctuated by daily death threats and harassment.

"There are those who harass me and call me words like whore, ugly bitch, tell me to burn in hell and so on, but there are also those who send me direct death threats," Bazrafkan told Ekstra Bladet.

"They write that if they meet me, they would gladly send me to another world and that they are ready to go to jail for it."

Fight against Islam
Bazrafkan was born in Iran and she is now using art to fight the repression of women, especially in her birth country and in other Islamic nations.

In her latest video performance, she strips naked in front of the camera and covers the Quran with her clothes, while the artist Kasper Nørby Lund recites passages from the book.

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