Survey: World better off if everyone was like Danes

Just 24 percent of Danes feel that immigration is good for the economy

It’s no secret that Danes are quick to profess their love for their country and flag when the opportunity presents itself, but a new report has taken it a step further.

Conducted by the church research foundation Stiftelsen Kirkeforskning (KIFO), the report ‘National Symbols in Scandinavia’ compares Denmark, Norway and Sweden and finds that every third Dane believes that the world would be a better place if people in other countries were more like themselves.

Conversely, just one in five Swedes and Norwegians feels the same way, although Norwegians are more proud to be Norwegian than Danes are being Danish.

READ MORE: Politicians in war of words over 'Danish values'

Sceptical of immigration benefits
When it came to the immigration debate, Danes once again differed from their Scandinavian brethren, particularly when it comes to the question of what immigrants contribute to the economy and labour market.

The Danes are more sceptical about the benefits of immigration than Norwegians and Swedes. Just 24 percent feel that immigrants are good for the economy, compared to 54 percent of Norwegians and 44 percent of Swedes.

“In a Scandinavian context, the Danes are the worst offenders. They are more chauvinistic and nationalistic,” Pål Ketil Botvar, a researcher and the co-author of the report, told Norwegian newspaper Vårt Land. “They also scored highly for xenophobia.”

Read the entire report here (in Norwegian).

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