Christiania goes Wall Street

Representatives of the enclave are in New York to support Occupy Wall Street movement


The ‘Christiania Shares’ are making their debut on Wall Street today. Sort of.

Three representatives from Christiania are in New York City to support the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests. While theyÂ’re there, they will attempt to convince investors that theyÂ’d be better off putting their money into ‘socialÂ’ shares, similar to the Christiania Shares that were introduced in September.

“We’re taking to the streets [today] on Wall Street to sell social shares. If you buy one of these shares, you’re guaranteed not to make any money of them,” Risenga Manghezi, one of the three Christiania residents in New York, told Politiken newspaper. “If we all bought in to social equity, we wouldn’t have the problems we have today.”

Manghezi told Politiken that the Christiania representatives want to support Occupy Wall Street, which began in New YorkÂ’s Zuccotti Park on September 17 and has since spread across the globe, including to Denmark.

“You could say that we have experience with occupying a piece of public ground for more than 40 years,” Manghezi said. “We would like to share our experience with the movement.”

Sales of the Christiania Shares (folkeaktie), which are essentially a cash donation to the Christiana Fund, have been brisk. So far, they have brought in well over four million kroner.

After striking a deal with the state this summer, Christiania residents now need to raise 76.2 million kroner to buy the majority of the areaÂ’s properties and an additional six million kroner to rent adjoining green spaces. The first 43 million kroner is due on 15 April 2012.

Several prominent people have purchased Christiania Shares, including Margrethe Vestager, minister of the economy and interior, and Mogens Lykketoft, president of parliament. The shares are available for purchase online at

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