Cyclist hit by train after falling from platform

DSB is clamping down on cyclists riding on train platforms after a man fell on the tracks as train approached yesterday

A man was seriously injured yesterday after falling onto the tracks on his bike in front of an oncoming train at Hvidovre Station.

The train driver said the man looked unstable on his bicylce as rode on the platform and that he rode over the platform edge as the train approached the station, according to a statement from train operator DSB.

“We were afriad something like this would happen,” DSB spokesperson Johnny Jartved said in a press release. “People that cycle on the platform are exposing themselves to danger. We also know that passengers feel uncomfortable when people cycle on platforms.”

DSB runs a video on information screens at S-train stations warning against cycling on platforms, and this morning four ticket inspectors were out at Hvidovre Station specifically targeting cyclists on the platform. Five people received tickets and one person received a warning as part of the effort.

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