Copenhagen mayor lends support to gay Lithuanians

Following a request from gay rights activists, Frank Jensen urges Lithuanian mayor to support Baltic Pride parade

Copenhagen's mayor, Frank Jensen (Socialdemokraterne) showed his support for international gay rights last week in Vilnius, Lithuania.

After the advocacy organisation Association Lithuanian Gay League (LGL) asked Jensen to advocate for the 2013 Baltic Pride Parade, Jensen wrote an open letter to Arturas Zuokas, the mayor of the Lithuanian capitol, requesting his support for the event.

As LGL explained, the municipality had granted permission for the parade to proceed but denied participants from marching through downtown Vilnius, citing “security concerns.”

In his letter, Jensen urged Zuokas to allow the parade access to central Vilnius in order to increase public visibility and awareness of the event. Jensen pointed to Copenhagen’s own Pride Parade as an integral part of gay rights efforts.

“I perceive the [Copenhagen Pride] parade to be a valuable gift to the city, and a joyful celebration for all citizens regardless of sexual orientation,” Jensen wrote in the letter.

"In Copenhagen we are proud to protect and promote freedom of expression among all minority groups,” he went on. “We believe that freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democracy.”

Copenhagen Pride takes place each August and attracts up to 50,000 gays rights supporters each year. Jensen's open letter can be read below. 

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