Today’s front pages – Monday, April 22

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish dailies are reporting on their front pages

Beer and soft drink prices to fall

The government has teamed up with opposition parties Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti, Liberal Alliance and Konservative to axe the soda tax and reduce taxes on beer. Soft drink taxes will be completely gone by 1 January  2014, while beer taxes will be slashed 15 percent by July 1. – Ekstra Bladet

Human trafficking figures rising

The number of human trafficking cases in Denmark has increased over the last few years, according to a new report from the EU Commission. In 2012, 17 cases were recorded compared to a total of just six between 2009-2011. Human trafficking also rose by 18 percent across all of Europe. – Jyllands-Posten

Unemployment figures inaccurate

Official unemployment statistics are not accurate, according to an unemployment map by union advisers Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd (AE). The map showed that there were 62,000 ‘shadow unemployed’ individuals who don’t count towards unemployment figures even though they are actively searching for a job. – Politiken

Foreigners landing low-paid jobs thanks to state

The Danish state is helping companies import seasonal workers to fill jobs that unemployed Danes aren't interested in. According to Berlingske newspaper, there are currently 56,000 eastern Europeans in Denmark, an increase of 10,000 from last year. Some 8,000 Danes have lost their jobs in the agriculture and forestry industries since 2009. – Berlingske

Successful prisoner programme could close

The prison-exit programme, EXIT, which has helped reintroduce criminals to society over the past five years, is threatened by closure. Just 15 out of every 100 criminals who have taken part in the EXIT programme return to crime again when released, while general stats are around 25-35 out of every 100. – Kristeligt-Dagblad

Metro for new harbour tunnel?

Rambøll consultancy group has advised the Transport Ministry to instal a Metro line in the planned harbour tunnel that will stretch from Nordhavn to Refshaleøen on Amager. Copenhagen's mayor, Frank Jensen (Socialdemokraterne), was positive about the idea and said that the city will look into whether adding a Metro line is possible. – Ingeniøren

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