Meatpackers look to state for help

Pig farmers and unions are looking to the government to come up with initiatives that can make the industry more productive.

Cabinet members had supported Danish Crown’s offer of reduced wages in exchange for a four-year job guarantee.

Employees rejected that plan yesterday, but now that lawmakers have recognised there is a problem, labour leaders want them to do something.

Henrik Sass Larsen (Socialdemokraterne), the business and growth minister, said he was disappointed by the employees’ decision, but said he would “respect” it. 

Erhverv & Økonomi

READ MORE: Strategy to keep manufacturing jobs at home

This story was included in The Copenhagen Post's Morning Briefing for Wednesday, September 18. If you would like to receive stories like these delivered to your inbox by 8am each weekday, sign up for the Morning Briefing or one of our other newsletters today. 

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