The Weekly Wrap – Sunday, January 5

Happy New Year! Although we had a holiday-shortened week, we thought it was still worth taking a look back at some of the stories from the holidays.

– Following tradition, Denmark's two leading ladies delivered their annual New Year's messages to the nation. The queen used her New Year's Eve address to caution her subjects against small-mindedness, while PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt told Danes on New Year's Day that the nation is slowly but surely working its way out of the financial crisis. 

– While the PM avoided mention of unemployment reforms and a controversial new freedom of information law that took effect on January 1, we have a rundown of what the changes mean.

– And what would New Year's be without the requisite wrap-up of firework injuries and general mayhem?

– On one last January 1 note, the roll-out of a new emergency phone line was a bit of a disaster.

– Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svarholm Warg spent his New Year's Eve in a Køge prison, leading his online supporters to draw attention to what they feel is his unfair treatment

– Perhaps no-one is better at exploiting slow news cycles better than Dansk Folkeparti's Pia Kjærsgaard, and she used the first days of 2014 to advocate for pepper spray and engage SF's Özlem Cekic in a war of words about 'Danish values'

– In international news, Danish ships made their way to Syria to remove chemical weapons, the Danish Olympic delegation expressed concerns following attacks in Russia and the development minister said that aid to Uganda could be ended following the passage of a controversial anti-gay bill. 

– Finally, we know it is so last year but in case you missed it be sure to check out our review of 2013.

We'll be back at it tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday!

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