Future ties with Ghana will be based more on political and commercial partnership than traditional aid, according to trade and development minister Mogens Jensen (S) who is in Ghana this week to launch Denmark's new development plans in Africa.
"Ghana has come a long way in fighting poverty and is today a democratic role model in Africa," Jensen told media. "The nation is part of a new Africa in growth with increasing demands for trade and investment."
Danish development agency Danida and around 35 Danish companies provide solutions to improve climate, water, health and infrastructure in Ghana.
"We must maintain and fit our involvement in the following years, so that Ghana at the start of the 2020s will become a nation standing on its own feet, but backed by a strong Danish political, commercial and cultural involvement," he said.
Scaling down on aid money
Ghana reduced the number of people living below the international poverty line by half between 2000 and 2010, bringing it down to 28 percent of the population. Danish aid will be gradually scaled down in the future from 350 million kroner a year to 200 million kroner in 2018.
Denmark will also help to fight torture, ensure maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and improve women's rights.
"Ghana still faces challenges with inequality, unemployment, its government, health, human rights and developing the private sector. We still have to support Ghana in these areas to ensure a gradual transition," he added.
Jensen also visited Mali to present Denmark's future aid and security program in the war-torn nation and will end his Africa trip in Uganda.