Rocking Christiana with ska from afar (well Næstved actually)

Operaen Christiana; Fri 9 May, 21:00, 50kr

Larica #100 

A precursor to rocksteady and reggae, ska music originated in the Jamaica of the 50’s and embedded itself in the annals of mod culture of the 60’s in Britain. Something of an unknown quantity locally, the genre is kept alive by the efforts of a few extraordinarily impassioned bands, the Næstved-founded Larica outfit being one such outfit.

Their centenary concert at one of the pearls of underground culture, Christiania’s Operaen could not have arrived at a more opportune time. Buckle up for a blast from the past. 

Peter H Olsen + Mute Swimmer

Copenhagen Jazzhouse Thu 15 May, 20:00; 90kr 

(Photo: NielsFabæk) 

Musically-orientated poetry from local performer Peter Olsen and literary-oriented songwriting from the U.K’s Mute Swimmer is what’s on the bill for this particular evening at the jazz house.

Alain Apoloo

The Juke Joint at Mojo’s Blues Bar; Mon May 19 21:30; free adm


The weekly Juke Joint at Mojo’s is a solid fixture on the local Copenhagen blues scene. On May 19 it is spearheaded by the talented Alain Apoloo and open to anyone willing to play on the night.

Schoolboy Q

Rust; Fri 18 April, 20:00; 165kr 

(Photo: Mikel Galicia)

The man responsible for seminal track ‘Man of the year’ will be in Copenhagen as part of his European tour, much to the delight of many a hip hop fan.

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