Naked happening ends in fiasco and arrest

The naked happening by controversial artists Uwe Max Jensen and Abdikarim yesterday turned out to be a bit of a bummer after Abdikarim failed to show up and Jensen found himself arrested by Viborg police.

Jensen, 42, and Somali artist Abdikarim were due to walk butt-naked and hand-in-hand through the streets of Viborg holding a bible and a koran in a happening entitled ’Black white christian muslim united'.

Abdikarim’s absence meant that Jensen had to go it alone and improvise, first strolling naked to the Viborg Cathedral with the bible before sitting down and painting his face and penis black.

READ MORE: Controversial artists team up for nude happening in Viborg

Still a success
But before he could walk back with the koran, the police stepped in, arresting the clearly unimpressed Jensen.

“I thought it was an almost poetic idea,” Jensen told Ekstra Bladet tabloid yesterday.

The police said that they would charge Jensen with indecent behaviour and he risks having to pay a fine.

Despite the no-show of his partner and subsequent arrest, Jensen still feels like the happening was a success.

“I managed to complete half of it despite not cancelling because the original plan wasn’t possible to complete,” Jensen told Ekstra Bladet. 

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