According to AE, the business council for labour movement, the number of jobs in Copenhagen has increased by 7.7 percent since before the financial crisis started in 2008. Similarly, in Aarhus, there are 1.3 percent more jobs, Jyllands-Posten reports.
"The big cities with many jobs in the private sector – such as cleaning, counselling, transportation, legal assistance – were not hit by the crisis as hard as the smaller towns, where many industrial jobs were lost," explained Erik Bjørsted, the chief analyst at AE, in the council's newsletter.
Rapid growth in Aarhus
"We are currently experiencing rapid growth, and there is a lot happening in the labour market," Thomas Medon, a councillor who works in the area of social issues and employment at Aarhus Council, told Jyllands-Posten.
"A forecast from the Employment Region shows that an additional 23,000 jobs will be created in Aarhus by 2021," Medon added.
More people, more jobs
However, the proportion of people with jobs in Copenhagen and Aarhus has fallen slightly due to the number of inhabitants in both Copenhagen and Aarhus increasing.
In Copenhagen today, 65.7 percent of people are employed – in 2008, it was 68 percent.
Most of the country stagnating
Meanwhile, the number of jobs in Vestsjælland, Sydhavsøerne, Sønderjylland, Nordvestjylland and Bornholm is stagnating, according to AE, while on Lolland, the number of people with a job is 21.1 percent lower than before the crisis hit.