Government wants to enable adoptions by force

To ensure the best interests of the children, the state wants to speed up the adoption process

The government wants to change the adoption laws so it is possible to completely remove the parental rights of biological parents, DR reports.

This will mean it can completely cut a child's ties with its biological parents and place it with foster parents – permanently if the arrangement works out.

No need to 'prove'
"We have received feedback from councils that the current rules are so rigid it has been difficult to help children in need," Lotte Rod, a spokesperson for Radikale, told the broadcaster.

Local authorities would only have to "substantiate" and not "prove" that the biological parents have no parenting skills.

In practice, this means that more children can be adopted without parental consent. 

Adopted as soon as possible
The government also wants to allow adoptions of children who are under the age of one.

"We know that the more stable upbringing a child has, the better," Rod commented.

Rod cautioned that the extreme measure would only be employed when councils are positive that biological parents cannot take care of their children.

The government expects to submit a bill in late October.

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