Electricity bills lower than in UK or Germany

Asking companies how much they actually pay leads to positive results

Danish Energy Agency reports local companies pay less for electricity than their competitors in most European countries, including Germany and the UK.

Based on data from the first half of 2014, Danish companies have competitive electricity prices compared to the EU average. 

The figures apply to both large and small companies and include taxes and PSO (public service obligation).

"Many critics feared that Denmark's commitment to renewable energy would skyrocket electricity prices for local companies. But it hasn't been the case," Rasmus Petersen, the climate and energy minister, commented.

"On the contrary, Denmark's progressive energy policies and electricity trade with Norway, Sweden and northern Germany have secured Danish companies both cheap and green power." 

New calculations, more positive results
This new report is based on actual electricity prices companies have paid, and thus differs from the previously published statistics by Eurostat, which suggested Denmark's electricity prices were higher.

"Dansk Energi, Dansk Industri and Danmarks Statistik have successfully agreed to use one calculation method," Petersen noted.

"It means that we can now relate to the actual electricity prices and won't waste time discussing different accounting methodologies."

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