Experts: 9-5 in daycare too long

A new study by YouGov carried out for Kristeligt Dagblad shows that 38 percent of Danish children aged between zero and fi ve years spend eight or more hours in daycare every day. Experts agree this is too much.

Stig Brostrøm, a professor for early childhood education at Aarhus University, believes children of this age should not spend more than five to six hours in daycare.

According to Tomas P Boje, a family and work researcher at Roskilde University, reducing the long days small children spend in daycare would require a labour market with better opportunities for part-time and flexible working hours.

Parents in agreement
Research shows 70 percent of Danish parents would like to cut down on their working hours while raising young kids.

“The fact is most parents are doing their best just to make ends meet,” Dorthe Boe Danbjørg, the chairman of parents’ association Forældrenes Landsforening, told Kristeligt Dagblad.

“Many of those who would like to reduce their working hours either cannot get a part-time job or – as the system is designed now – they cannot afford it. For many families, and especially single parents, this is simply not possible.”