Danish restaurant to help revolutionise airline food

Singapore Airlines looking to improve the quality of food served in the skies

There are probably not too many people who would associate airline food with fine dining, but Singapore Airlines are set to give it a good try in collaboration with a top Danish restaurant.

It is not yet known which Danish restaurant will provide the culinary inspiration, but it will most probably be one of these four restaurants: Kiin Kiin, Dragsholm Slot, Studio or Maarbjerg.

“The ambition is for the quality and taste to soar way up where the passengers can hear the angels sing, and to do so in collaboration with the Nordic and Asian kitchen,” said Tim Lee, the head of Singapore Airlines in Scandinavia and Finland.

“We are really looking forward to four of the nation’s best restaurants and chefs taking part and giving us their two cents on what our guests’ taste buds should encounter aboard Singapore Airlines from Copenhagen.”

READ MORE: Singapore Airlines stepping up activities in Copenhagen

Mile-high challenge
The first step – a workshop at Gate Gourmet to outline the guidelines for aeroplane food – has already been taken, and Singapore Airlines expects to serve the new and improved food to its business and economy class passengers on its Copenhagen-Singapore route from January, 2016.

During the workshop, the restaurants were informed that studies have shown that the high-pitch noises often produced on planes can block people’s ability to taste sweet and sour. Furthermore, the taste of salt can be reduced by up to 15 percent in the plane due to cabin pressure.

The next step in the process is for the restaurants to send in recipes and menus that a panel consisting of representatives from Singapore Airlines, Gate Gourmet and the gastronomical scene will evaluate.