Danish entrepreneur wants more electric bicycles in Denmark

Rune Barfred of Ipedelec has launched a new electric bike model aimed at companies that wish to promote cycling among employees

Danish entrepreneur Rune Barfred has spent 2015 promoting the use of electric bicycles as a means of getting about quickly, which is a good alternative to cars and public transport.

Earlier this year, Barfred launched his company Ipedelec and introduced seven models of electric bicycle to the Danish and Norwegian markets.

His latest model, ‘Ven’ (a friend), is aimed at companies that want to promote electric cycling among employees.

Ipedelec stands for ‘I pedal electric’ and Barfred got the idea for selling electric bicycles when he lived in Shanghai, where he regularly used them himself.

Fun and super fast
“People who have never tried an electric bicycle have missed out on a fun experience,” Barfred said.

“It goes super fast in relation to how much energy you put into cycling.”

Compared with the Netherlands, another ‘bike country’, Denmark is a long way behind when it comes to sales of electric bicycles.

While in the Netherlands every 10th bicycle is electric, in Denmark it is only every 20th.

Barfred hopes to change that ratio.

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