Diop visit underlines Mali partnership

Foreign minister in Copenhagen to discuss development and security issues

The visit to Denmark by Mali’s foreign minister, Abdoulaye Diop, has further solidified Denmark’s partnership with the African nation regarding security, stability and development.

Diop discussed several matter with Kristian Jensen, and his trip to Denmark comes just a month after the Danish foreign minister visited Mali.

“Diop’s visit today and my own trip earlier this year has confirmed that it is in Denmark’s and Europe’s best interest to bring peace and stability to Mali and its neighbours,” said Jensen.

“With the collapse of Libya, Mali is practically just one border away from Europe. If we don’t help Mali stop the terrorists and secure better future prospects for the local society, we risk new floods of refugees coming to Europe and IS gaining more influence in the area.”

READ MORE: More military aid headed to Mali

Priority nation
Aside from meeting Jensen, Diop will meet members of Parliament, the Defence Ministry and a number of Danish NGOs, and also attend an event at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS).

Mali has been a Danish priority nation since 2006. Denmark spends about 175 million kroner annually on development in the country.