Students warned by police not to come to south Zealand school on Thursday

Police have released very little information about the situation

Students at a local school in Stensved near Vordingborg in southern Zealand have been warned by police to stay home today after a mysterious problem was reported Wednesday night.

However, police have released very few details about the circumstances leading up to the decision.

Cryptic press release
A press release sent out by South Zealand and Lolland-Falster Police provided very little information about why the school will be closed, citing security reasons.

“There has this evening been a situation at the school in Stensved. It will be closed in the morning so police will be able to investigate the matter,” it read.

Police have informed the media they will only comment further after the situation becomes clearer today.

However, they have made it clear that the situation has nothing to do with the mentally-ill man in Sorø who was arrested yesterday after barricading himself in his apartment with a gun, reports