Full body bags showing up at random places in Copenhagen

Protest ‘happening’ scary for residents and a hassle for the cops

Large black bags stuffed with fabric have appeared at seven locations throughout Copenhagen.

The bags are covered with slogans and filled in such a way that they resemble body bags containing human remains, which caused people stumbling across them to contact the police.

“They have been found in high-traffic areas,” duty officer Kristian Aaskov told Ekstra Bladet.

Protest in a bag
Locations included the foot of the Little Mermaid and Nørreport Station. The labels on the bags seem to refer to the ongoing refugee crisis,

“They say ‘greetings from Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia’ and so on,” said Aaskov.

Police say they have absolutely no idea who is behind it.

READ MORE: Refugee art dropping anchor in Copenhagen today

Ekstra Bladet, on the other hand, said that it has absolute confirmation that the group Danmarks Samvittighed (‘Denmark’s Conscience’) is behind the bags, which they say are intended draw attention to the thousands of refugees that drowned last year.

“We have placed, and will continue to place, body bags around Copenhagen to symbolise the drowned refugees that Denmark and Europe should have on their conscience,” a member told the tabloid.

Not an emergency
Police would not comment on any possible consequences for orchestrating the protest and are asking anyone finding a bag to call 114 and not tie up the 112 emergency number.