Copenhagen drops Nordhavn metro loop

Route would cater to too few passengers and increase departure times

The Copenhagen Municipality has decided to drop the concept of a metro loop through the Nordhavn district of the capital.

The ‘Loop Plan’ is expected to cater to too few passengers and will lead to unacceptable times between departures, is the contention.

Instead, the city looks to have set its sights on another route fro Nordhavn, ‘Lille Spørgsmålstegn’ (‘Little Question Mark’), which will include four stations and better serve the many cruise ship passengers arriving to the city.

“The loop solution is, by far, the most expensive option with the greatest need of residual financing,” the municipality wrote in a report (here in Danish).

“Despite that, the loop will offer a smaller passenger increase for the metro system that the Little Question Mark, which gives the most passengers of all the options.”

READ MORE: Copenhagen and Malmø considering Øresund metro link

Hellerup bound?
As of today, financing has been set aside for the two-station extension of the Metro City Ring to Nordhavn – at Nordhavn Station and at Orientkaj.

The Little Question Mark would result in a further four station being built in the district, on Levantkaj, Krydstogtkaj (the cruise ship docks), which will be ready by 2030, and two other stations which will be completed by latest 2045.

Should the citizen representation approve the Little Question Mark, there is an option to extend the metro line under the harbour to Hellerup at some point.

In future it could extend all the way to Hellerup
In future it could extend all the way to Hellerup

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