John Goodwin, the finance director at Lego, will be stepping down from his post next June. Goodwin has been with the Lego Group since September 2012. He said tendering his resignation was “no easy decision”.
“Lego has been just over four years of my professional career, which have been absolutely wonderful,” said Goodwin.
“But I think that now is the right time to announce my decision to resign next year to address the next step in my career – especially my focus on charity.”
Search underway
Lego managing director Jørgen Vig Knudstorp had high praise for the departing Goodwin.
“His strong strategic thinking and relentless focus on skilful operating has been a crucial catalyst for us to handle the amazing growth we have experienced in recent years,” said Knodstorp.
“There is no doubt that John has changed Lego Group and that the Lego Group has changed him.”
Lego said that it had already started the search for a new top financial officer.