Just 11 percent of Danish citizens foreign-born

Far more immigrants have become Norwegians and Swedes

It’s often debated whether foreigners here are immigrants or expats, with many taking exception to the latter, as it can often be used erroneously to distinguish between people from non-Western countries and the ‘right type of foreigner’: white, educated, invariably English-speaking and merely passing by.

But if you’re an immigrant and proud of it, but not a Danish citizen, you’re not really being counted in the country that you’ve chosen to live in by Publikationen Indvandrere i Danmark 2016 (publication immigrants in Denmark 2016), a new report released by Danmarks Statistik.

Lowest proportion in Scandinavia
The report is mainly focused on foreign-born citizens, not all immigrants therefore, and it reveals that only 11 percent of Danish citizens are foreign-born.

This gives Denmark a much lower share of foreign-born citizens than its neighbours. In Norway, the percentage is 15 percent, while in Sweden, it is 17 percent.

Immigrant child count falling
The report also found that the employment prospects of foreign-born nationals in Scandinavia were highest in Norway, and women from non-Western immigrant backgrounds in Scandinavia are giving birth to far less children – the average has fallen from 3.19 in 1995 to 1.95 in 2015.

Download the report for free here. The chapter on foreign-born citizens in Scandinavia will be expanded to include a separate analysis on December 9.

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